General Info
When: 11 to 13 March (followed by a Model Event and 3 MTBO races in Spain, 14-16 March, Iberian MTBO Championship)
Where: Central Alentejo & Spain, see here
What will I get: 2 to 3 maps/exercises per day
Deadline for entries & payment: 31 January (special price 1), 28 February (special price 2; €2 surcharge per day) and 5 March ( €5 surcharge per day)
Total price per person: 30 euros (€10 per day) for entries until 31 January; €36 (€12 per day) until 23 Februay and thereafter €45 (€15 per day) until 5 March
Entries: by email or OrienteeringOnline or OriOasis
Payment: by bank transfer to Clube da Natureza de Alvito, IBAN PT50 0035 0084 0000 2261 830 78, BIC/SWIFT CGDIPTPL
Extras and other training possibilities: see here
Sleep & eat: see here
Warnings: see here