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Please bear in mind that

for the Training Camp exercises, we are simply helping you to train in Portugal by supplying you with orienteering exercises, putting them in place and assisting you with your accommodation and meals, on a not-for-profit basis. The fee we charge you is simply to cover our costs such as travel, meals and maps. Therefore, please bear in mind that you are responsible at all times for making your own decisions and that you should obtain your own insurance for this training, should you deem it necessary. Furthermore, please bear in mind that no roads will be closed and that you must, at all times, respect the Highway Code and other persons in general.

If you see any closed gate that cannot be easily opened and closed, please turn back. If you happen to open any gate, please close it back. Many of these enclosed areas contain cattle, mostly cows or sheep, so it is important that the gates are kept shut at all times.

Riding off road is strictly forbidden.

Emergency number in Portugal: 112

Thanks for coming and have fun!

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