Entries end on 3 March at 24:00 (standard prices) and on 6 March at 24:00 (with a surcharge).
All entries must be made through the Oasis system.
Payment details (send evidence to eventos.cnalvito@gmail.com):
IBAN – PT50 0035 0084 0000 2261 830 78
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Agência de Alvito, Largo do Relógio, 8, 7920-022 Alvito
Mandatory payment by 24:00 on 7 March, failing which the entry will be cancelled.
* Includes insurance.
** Per day.
*** Subject to prior registration.
(1) Soup, cheese&ham sandwich, fruit or desert, drink
(2) Soup, cottage cheese&tomato sandwich, fruit or desert, drink
(3) Soup, grilled chicken with rice, fries and salad, drink, desert and coffee.
(4) Soup, grilled vegetables with rice and salad, drink, desert and coffee.